Mind Over Feelings

In today’s world, it seems as though our emotions are constantly at the mercy of external stimuli - we feel happy when we get praised, sad when we’re rejected, and so on. However, it’s important to remember that while our emotions may feel real and powerful, they don’t have to dictate our behavior and choices. This is where “mind over feelings” comes in – a phrase used to describe the process of using logical thought processes to override our emotions.

In order to practice mind over feelings, it’s important to take a step back and look at the situation objectively. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and anxious about an upcoming presentation, take a few deep breaths and think about the situation logically. What are the chances that it won’t go perfectly? What are the potential consequences of making an error? What can you do to ensure that you’re as prepared as possible? These types of questions can help you gain perspective and reassess the situation.

Another way to practice mind over feelings is to ask yourself what the logical consequences of your emotions would be if you acted on them. If you’re feeling angry and resentful at a friend, ask yourself what the logical outcome of letting this anger out would be. Would it resolve the problem or make it worse? If it’s the latter, then it’s best to take a minute to cool down before you take any further action.

Finally, it’s essential to recognize that our emotions still have an important role to play in our lives. Instead of trying to ignore them completely, it’s better to be mindful of them and use them as an opportunity to practice self-reflection. Ask yourself what underlying issues may be driving the emotion, and see if there’s an alternative solution that doesn’t involve completely suppressing the emotion.

Overall, mind over feelings can be useful for managing our emotions, making better decisions, and improving our relationships. With practice, it’s possible to become more adept at taking a logical and mindful approach to our emotions, so that we can make better decisions and lead a more balanced life.